to customize for any occasion

Step 1

Beat the butter with the sugar until you get a frothy and almost white cream. Add the eggs, one at a time, alternating them with spoons of flour and baking powder. Add the remaining flour and mix gently. Incorporate the vanilla flavor and mix gently. Insert the baking tray inside each cavity and fill it 3/4 of the way with the dough obtained. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes; take it out of the oven and let it cool on a wire rack.

Step 2

Boil the fresh cream and pour it into a bowl. Add the chocolate in small disks and mix with a whisk until all the chocolate has melted and then add the aroma.

Step 3

Mix well until a homogeneous mixture. Leave to cool to room temperature until a temperature of about 22/23 ° is reached.

Step 4

Once cold, use a piping bag with the 1M croissant for decorayou cupcakes.
Personalize your sweets with fun mustache-shaped chocolates!
To prepare the perfectly shaped chocolates, follow the step by step of the fancy chocolates.

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@decorawith sweetness
