of fragrant puff pastry

Step 1

Pour the cream and milk into a saucepan, add the aroma and bring to a boil. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar and when they are white and frothy add the sifted corn starch and mix well. Take a ladle of the milk and cream liquid and add it to the egg, sugar and starch mixture to dilute it. Pour everything into the saucepan and leave to thicken over low heat, stirring constantly with the whisk. When the cream is thick, turn off the heat and pour it into a low and wide bowl; cover it with contact film; then let it cool. Color it with a few drops of Coloring Gel.

Step 2

Roll out the pastry, cut into rectangles and brush the edges with the yolk.

Step 3

Brush with the yolk.

Step 4

Fill with the custard.

Step 5

With the Lozenge Roller, make strips; positional above.

Step 6

Complete with brown sugar. Bake at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes. Cool down and place the Sugar Eyes.

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