#TenderBaby Bear
in almond paste

Step 1

Knead the almond paste well with the icing sugar. Reserve the dough in plastic wrap and let it sit for 6 hours.

Step 2

Color some of the almond paste with the fuchsia dye and mix well with your hands until the color has become homogeneous.

Step 3

Create a 50 g ball for the body and shape it with your hands to form a small cone. Make a slight incision in the center with the wheel tool.

Step 4

Make a 20g ball for the legs and form a cylinder. Cut it into two pieces and shape them with the backs of the hands so as to obtain a cone. Take a small piece of red pasta and make a small ball; press it and place it on one leg so as to obtain the foot. Perform the same operation for the arms, always starting from a 20 g ball.

Step 5

Create a 20 g ball for the head, squeeze it slightly with your hands and with the modeling stick form a small hole to insert a black sugar bead. Now form the nose by creating a small ball of white sugar paste; shape a cone and engrave with the modeling stick so you can insert a bead of sugar. Decorafinally, the ears by creating two small balls of almond paste and crushing them. With a little fuchsia paste create a small ball that you will apply over the ear by pressing lightly.

Step 6

Assemble now all the pieces obtained and have fun at decorawith original details such as eyelashes or a small heart

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