With strawberries and white chocolate

Step 1

Mix the eggs, water, vanilla flavor, lemon peel and the sponge cake mix. Whip all the ingredients together at high speed, until the mixture has become clear and frothy, increased in volume. Pour the mixture into the charlotte mold, bake in a hot oven at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.

Step 2

Once the cake is out of the oven, let it cool on a wire rack. Prepare the white chocolate mousse; whip 100 ml of cream and place in the fridge. Pour the white chocolate into a bowl. Separately, in a saucepan, heat the remaining 100 ml of cream and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add to the white chocolate, mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture and once cooled place in the fridge. Take back the cold chocolate mixture and whip well. Finally, gently add the previously whipped cream with a spatula.

Step 3

Wash the strawberries. In a bowl place those for the bath after cutting them into small pieces and sprinkled with granulated sugar. Leave to rest in the fridge and use the juice obtained to wet the surface of the cake. Transfer the white chocolate mousse to a pastry bag with a star-shaped croissant in the shape of curls decoraedge of the surface, and arrange the whole strawberries inside. Decora with flowers and sugar bells.

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