with lemon cream

Step 1

Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until a light and frothy mixture is obtained. Add the sifted flour and the egg whites whipped until stiff. To obtain a soft sponge cake it is important to work everything with the help of a spatula mixing from top to bottom. Fill the mixture with 8 half-balls previously buttered and floured, cook in a hot oven at 180 ° for about 10 min.

Step 2

Take out the sponge half-balls, turn them over and finish the shower with the help of a knife to level the surface. Wet the cake with the non-alcoholic lemon wipe and help yourself with the Bagne bottle. This will help you better distribute the liquid over the entire surface of the cake.

Step 3

Whip the filling croissant n.230 in the sac a poche and fill the cakes with the Lemon Spreadable Cream.

Step 4

Whip the cream and coat the surface of the cake, crumble some sponge cake for decorare the cupcakes and get a realistic mimosa effect.

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