stuffed with a tasty chestnut cream

Step 1

Boil the dried chestnuts and pears separately until they have softened. Then pass them through a sieve. Finely chop the toasted hazelnuts until an oily mixture is obtained. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath and dilute it with about 70 ml of coffee. In a bowl combine all the compounds obtained and add the sugar, anise and candied fruit. Mix well until a soft and homogeneous mixture is obtained. Prepare the sheet for the calzoncelli. Pour the sifted flour onto a work surface and add the oil, lemon juice, baking soda, white wine and anise. Knead until a stick with a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Roll out the dough into a sheet about 1 cm thick. Arrange a spoonful of filling about 6 cm away from each other, lightly wet the edges of the pastry with water and superimpose a second pastry by pressing with your fingers around the piles of filling so as to allow the air. With the Tagliapasta Calzoncello, apply light pressure so as to allow the shape to come out. Proceed alternating the position of the teeth in order to obtain the lace effect. Fry the calzoncelli in plenty of oil and use the kitchen tongs to turn them. Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

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@decorawith sweetness


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